Adult porn star Ron Jeremy, who has appeared in almost 2,000 hardcore movies, made the remark on BBC3’s list show Most Annoying People 2008.“These two girls are very good-looking,” the Daily Star quoted him as saying of actress Lohan, 22, and partner, DJ Sam Ronson, 31.“I would love to be in the middle of that. They will do each other, do me, do each other, do me, back and forth.“All of a sudden, you do a pop and it is over,” he added.The remark, which was televised several times on the channel and is available online on BBC iPlayer, has caused conservative MP Ann Widdecombe, 61, to slam the BBC.“What was their reasoning behind choosing a porn star as an interviewee at all? Why was the pre-recorded show then screened?” she said.“This was a holiday period when children tend to stay up later and there is a strong risk children would have seen it.“You would think that following the debacle with Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand, they would have gone out of their way to ensure that anything going out was within the limits of decency.“Indecency is just ingrained in the BBC. They don’t realise that what they think is funny is not what other people think is funny,” she added.Viewer Georgina Burns complained to the BBC that the programme was offensive to lesbians.“It seems you can say what you like about lesbians. It left such a bad taste in my mouth,” she said. The BBC said that it had received only 13 complaints about the programme.“Contributors express their own views, which are meant in a light-hearted way,” a spokesman added.
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