Nowadays full-fledged actor and filmmaker Nana Patekar is busy in writing a film script during his break from the shooting. Bollywood most sensible actor Nana Patekar wants to make his next directorial venture in which he may cast Vidya Balan or Rani Mukerjee for the lead actress. According to Nana there are so many actors who are talented and rich in firm determination. If he makes his next movie in future he will sign Vidhya Balan or Rani Mukherjee anyone because both have a lot of variety in her acting skill and he like them very much.
Recently Nana Patekar injured during a shooting sequence of his forthcoming film Horn Ok Please and now he has a rest for two months. So what to do at home that is why Nana Patekar busy in cooking and reading his favorite Indian writer Munshi Premchand. Even he has completed famous hindi novel Godaan. Nana Patekar has two films floor director Tigmanshu Dhulia’s Shagird and Anees Bazmees Welcome with Akshay Kumar. There was a little rumor in air that during the shooting session with Akshay Kumar they had some differences but Nana denied all this even he accepted with a hesitation and said few problems are ever in a team effort.