Salman Khan seems to be desperate to mend his relationship with the Bachchans. After promising to make a portrait of Abhishek and forgiving Aishwarya for their failed relationship Sallu wants to follow the footsteps of the Bachchan Sr in his latest movie London Dreams. The Bollywood hunk who is currently shooting in Paris for his new movie wants to shoot a dance exactly in the same locations as Big B had done for his disastrous Jhoom Barabar Jhoom.
His bizarre demand left the director and crew members surprised who had to make immediate alterations to the script. The song features Salman along with sizzling southern beauty Asin. After his recent spat with Shahrukh Khan, Salman is trying to team up with the Bachchans as they are not known to be too fond of SRK either. Well only time will say if the Bachchan family is happy with Salman's gesture.
His bizarre demand left the director and crew members surprised who had to make immediate alterations to the script. The song features Salman along with sizzling southern beauty Asin. After his recent spat with Shahrukh Khan, Salman is trying to team up with the Bachchans as they are not known to be too fond of SRK either. Well only time will say if the Bachchan family is happy with Salman's gesture.